Volunteer. Learn.
And become an expert.
Every year, we come up with new experiments we want to learn from. We then create blueprints we openly share with others. We usually don’t have the time to take the lead on each of those projects, so we partner with people like you. You don’t need to be an expert. You just need to want to become one, and learn what needs to be learnt. Our partners help us finance the investments. You take care of the rest.
Our current Experiment projects
Reintroducing native farm animals
We’re introducing endangered native species of sheep, pigs, and hens this year, with the aim of breeding them. The goal is to allow many more Belgian farmers to have access to these breeds, and to have them participate in their re-introduction. Sounds like a cool project?
Food autonomy in the Winter
We’re barely able to grow food in Belgium during the winter. Walipini greenhouses are underground structures which use several natural features to stay warm during cold winters. They require no man-made energy input. An indispensable step towards food sovereignty. Interested?
Closed-loop worm composting
Worm composting is magical. We’re looking for someone who’d like to learn about it all, and take the lead on implementing a production unit at Pachaland. We’ll also be producing compost tea out of it. Up for the challenge?
Switching to an ecological pool
There are around 100,000 swimming pools in Belgium alone. Over 90% still use systems based on chlorine. A growing number of owners want to convert theirs into ecological pools. Outsourcing the process completely costs tens of thousands of euros. We want to build a detailed how-to guide with the best suppliers for each parts in Belgium. Starting with our own pilot at Pachaland. Want to become an ecological pool expert and help others make the step?
Working with connected ponds
With intense rains, Pachaland gets flooded with nitrate-heavy water from upstream conventional farmland. This results in pollution of our aquifers and downstream river La Dyle. We decided to build a network of ponds to filter the nitrate excess, and to grow pond weeds which will feed out of this nitrate. The weeds will later be used as fertiliser for our farm. Wanna participate in this endeavour?
Roof-top water harvesting
There are dozens of structures at Pachaland. Only one of them is collecting rain water at the moment (with a capacity of 30,000 L). Help us harvest water from many more by designing and building clever functional systems.
Green waste availability map
Gardening companies and municipalities need to pay to get rid of their green waste. Market gardeners and small farms beg for green waste. This is quite ridiculous. We think it can be solved with an online and real-time map. We know how to do it. We need you to help us kick it off and manage it.
Regenerative center [in progress]
Where were all things regenerative discussed in Belgium until now? Nowhere. Pachaland will be Belgium’s first regenerative center. We created a hip bar space in our barn. The space is heated with a biochar production unit. There’s even a small stage to host tedx-type talks.